
One look in the media and you can’t fail to notice the war on single use disposable plastics.  This is further reinforced by the demographic of the typical festival goer, and rightly so – young people are embracing the need for change and nowadays demand that action is being taken by large festivals that they attend.

Sustainability At Festivals

Valuable research carried out by professional bodies such as the CGA, for instance, provides the industry with real insights as to the importance of these sustainability issues with festival goers.

How important is sustainability to them?  What is their reaction if they find out that sustainability issues are not being addressed by the festival organiser?  Whose responsibility is it to ensure that best practices are being followed and targets being met?

Of course, as well as their event being the biggest and the best, festival organisers also want to make money.  This, however, shouldn’t be at the expense of everything else, and that’s why the team here at Event Cup Solutions are delighted to be able to prove to you how a reusable cups solution can be a profit generating one, much more than a disposable scheme could ever be.  This, therefore, provides a win-win for all, with the festival organisers both making money whilst also hitting their sustainability responsibilities.

Sustainability at festivals should be at the forefront of everyone’s minds.  And when it comes to the question of whose responsibility it is, the reality is that it is down to us all.  One component part of a festival will make a difference, though small.  Everyone taking responsibility, however, for the sustainability of festivals, from the organisers through to the festival goers, will go a long way to working towards that greener, more environmentally sustainable approach.

By doing this, we can all move away from the non-sustainable disposable cups and food-to-go containers that are still in use at many festivals purely because of the fact that they provide the cheapest option.

Why not check out our ONE Planet ONE Chance® Reusable Cup System today – the UK’s only carbon-neutral reusable cup system.  Let us manage your cups, leaving you to do what you do best! Click here for more information.

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Of festival goers expect all of the festivals they attend to tackle their environmental impacts
0 %
Of festival goers expect the festivals they attend to be sustainable within their locality

So, who should do something about this?

0 %

Of festival-goers said they'd be more likely to attend a festival if its carbon footprint were demonstrably lower than its competitors

Top 5 items festival goers think organisers should limit at festivals

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Single-use plastic straws
0 %
Single-use plastic cups
0 %
single-use plastic food trays
0 %
Plastic bags
0 %
Single-use plastic cutlery

Failure to act on sustainability demands could be detrimental, posing a significant risk to festival operators ignoring this

“If you were to visit a festival which didn’t appear to actively support the limit of single-use plastic, what impact would this have on your perception of the festival?”

I would have a worse perception of the festival but it wouldn’t impact how likely I would be to attend in the future


My perception of the festival wouldn’t change


I would have a worse perception of the festival and be less likely to attend in future


I probably wouldn’t notice


Top 3 items festival consumer groups over-index for wanting orgnanisers to limit at festivals

Number of festivals visited





Body/face glitter

Cable Ties




Plastic Cups

Food Trays



Food Trays

Plastic Cups


Plastic Cups

Plastic Bottles

Plastic Bags