Event Cup Solutions now ClimatePartner certified!

Event Cup Solutions now ClimatePartner certified!


The company behind the ONE Planet ONE Chance Reusable Cup System, Event Cup Solutions, has become ClimatePartner certified, demonstrating the company’s commitment to achieving and maintaining the highest possible environmental standards.

ClimatePartner Certified status affirms that a company has gone through all five steps of a climate action strategy. When consumers see the ClimatePartner certified label, they are assured that the emissions from the product or organisation have been calculated, reduction targets have been set and implemented, and climate projects have been financed to contribute to global climate action.

Founder of Event Cup Solutions, John Reeves, said: “There is a great deal of ‘greenwashing’ when it comes to claims around carbon-neutral status and sustainability. We are incredibly proud to have undergone the rigorous steps outlined by ClimatePartner to demonstrate unequivocally that we are taking all necessary steps to achieve the ultimate goal of becoming a net-zero business. ClimatePartner has provided Event Cup Solutions with an enormous amount of support and encouragement on our journey, and importantly makes our sustainability claims valid and transparent.

John added: “We are incredibly proud of this achievement, and are thrilled to be announcing it to our client portfolio, without whom we wouldn’t have succeeded in reaching this goal. By definition, every football club, cricket club, racecourse and venue that has chosen to work with us to bring their own carbon emissions down has in turn helped us to raise our credibility and aided our contribution to climate action.”

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